Anti Bucket List

So I’m sure you have heard of the classic bucket list where you list all the things you would like to do before you die… But here is the not so popular version of the things you DON’T want to do before dying.

1) Go skydiving. I never understood why people thought it was life affirming to decide they just want to jump out of a plane one day…

2) Wear jean overalls. If you want to see me in those you’ll have to bury me in them.

3) Work fast food. No, just no.

4) Swim with sharks. For obvious reasons

5) Pre plan my funeral. There is something just so morbid about that.

6) Hold a tarantula

7) Have children. Never want any.

8) Sleep in the woods. Hints back to my blog name.

9) Stay in a ice hotel. Pretty sure that’s just an igloo.

10) Get hugged by Justin Bieber. Pretty sure he would get a slap instead. That’s for you Selena.


